

SPIE Optics + Photonics

SPIE - The international society for optics and photonics.
11-15 August 2019 San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, United States

The COSMIC has been given two oral presentations in the context of the Wavelets & SParsity XVIII workshop:

    • F. Nammour,"Radio astronomical image restoration with shape constraint"
    • P. Ciuciu, "Online MR Image Reconstruction for Compressed Sensing
      Acquisition in T2* Imaging"

SPARS 2019

July 1 - 4, 2019 - Toulouse, France

The COSMIC has been presented a poster:

    • Z. Ramzi, P. Ciuciu and J.-L. Starck"Benchmarking proximal methods for CS-acquired MR image analysis reconstruction", (Poster).

EuroScipy 2019: 12th European Conference on Python in Science

EuroSciPy 2019 takes place 2-6 September 2019 in Bilbao, Spain.

The COSMIC has given a keynote talk:

27th ISMRM conference 2019

May 11 - 16, 2019 - Montreal, QU, Canada

The COSMIC has been presented at this conference through a position of finalist to the ISMRM Young Invesitgator Award and three e-Posters:

    • C. Lazarus, finalist of the Rabi ISMRM Young Investigator Award for her PhD work on:"SPARKLING: variable-density  k-space filling curves for accelerated MRI" .
    • C. Lazarus, P. Weiss, F. Mauconduit, A. Vignaud and P. Ciuciu, "3D SPARKLING for accelerated ex vivo T2*-weighted MRI with compressed sensing" (Poster)
    • L. El Gueddari, P. Ciuciu, E. Chouzenoux, A. Vignaud and J.-C. Pesquet, "Calibrationless OSCAR-based Image Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing Parallel MRI", (ePoster).
    • L. El Gueddari, P. Ciuciu, E. Chouzenoux, A. Vignaud and J.-C. Pesquet, "Online compressed sening MR image reconstruction for high resolution T2* imaging", (ePoster).

16th IEEE ISBI Conference 2019

April 8 - 11, 2019 - Venice, Italy. 

The COSMIC project has produced one tutorial and one oral presentation at the 16th IEEE ISBI conference:

    • P. Ciuciu and J. Fessler:"Recent  advances in acquisition and reconstruction for Compressed Sensing MRI" (Syllabus).
    • L. El Gueddari, P. Ciuciu, E. Chouzenoux, A. Vignaud and J.-C. Pesquet, "Calibrationless OSCAR-based Image Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing Parallel MRI", (Slides).

5th BASP Frontiers 2019

February 3 - 8, 2019 - Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland

Besides the invited conference given by Jean-Luc Starck, the COSMIC project has presented a poster on 3D accelerated MRI:

    • C. Lazarus, P. Weiss, L. El Gueddari, F. Mauconduit, A. Vignaud and P. Ciuciu:"Recent  advances in acquisition and reconstruction for Compressed Sensing MRI" (Poster).

26th EUSIPCO Conference 2018

September 3 - 7, 2018 - Rome, Italy. 

The COSMIC project has presented one poster at the 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO):

    • H. Cherkaoui, L. El Gueddari, C. Lazarus, A. Grigis, F. Poupon, A. Vignaud, S. Farrens, J.-L. Starck
      and P. Ciuciu, "Analysis vs synthesis-based regularization for combined compressed sensing and
      parallel MRI reconstruction at 7 Tesla", (Poster).

10th IEEE SAM Workshop


July 8-11, 2018 - Sheffield, UK. 

Philippe Ciuciu has given a talk about the following invited paper at the Xth IEEE SAM Workshop (Slides):

    • L. El Gueddari, C. Lazarus, H. Carrié, A. Vignaud and P. Ciuciu.“Self-calibrating nonlinear reconstruction
      algorithms for variable density sampling and parallel reception MRI”, in 10th IEEE Sensory Array and Multichannel (SAM) signal processing workshop. Sheffield, UK, July 2018, pp. 415-419.

26th ISMRM Annual Meeting 2018

June 15 - 21, 2018 - Paris, France. 

The COSMIC project has presented two electronic posters and one poster at the 26th conference of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine:

    • C. Lazarus, P. Weiss, L. El Gueddari, F. Mauconduit, A. Vignaud and P. Ciuciu , "Distribution-controlled and optimally spread non-Cartesian sampling curves for accelerated in vivo brain imaging at 7 Tesla", (Poster).
    • L. El Gueddari, C. Lazarus, H. Carrié, A. Vignaud and P. Ciuciu, "Self-calibrating nonlinear MR
      image reconstruction algorithms for variable density sampling and parallel reception MRI", (e-Poster).
    • J.-M. Lin and P. Ciuciu , "Minimum-variance weighted image reconstruction and the application
      to MRI", (e-Poster).

8th New Computational Methods for Inverse Problems 2018

May 25, 2018 - Cachan, France. 

Philippe Ciuciu has been invited to give a keynote lecture at the 8th conference on New Computational Methods for Inverse Problems (NCMIP). Slides

15th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2018

April 3 - 7, 2018 - Washington DC, USA. 

The COSMIC project has presented two posters at the 15th Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Bimoedical Imaging:

    • L. El Gueddari, C. Lazarus, H. Carrié, A. Vignaud and P. Ciuciu, "Self-calibrating nonlinear MR
      image reconstruction algorithms for variable density sampling and parallel reception MRI", (Poster).
    • H. Carrié, L. El Gueddari, H. Cherkaoui, E. Dohmatob, L. Leroi and P. Ciuciu , "Multi-contrast
      dictionary learning for 2D compressed sensing MRI reconstruction", (Poster).

AIDA-2020: Academia meets Industry - Medical Imaging and Image Processing

April 3 - 4 3, 2017 - LPNHE (Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie), Paris, France. For more information visit AIDA'20 website

    • Jean-Luc Starck has given a conference about Sparse reconstruction of radio transients and multichannel images (slides)
    • Min Jiang has presented a poster about joint reconstruction and deconvolution of astronomical images from compressed data.
    • Carole Lazarus has presented a poster about the MRI part of the COSMIC project.

International BASP Frontiers workshop 2017

January 29 - February 3, 2017 - Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland. 

XXVIth GRETSI conference

September 5 - 8, 2017 - Palais des Congrès, Juan-les-Pins, France. 

    • The NeuroSpin team has been invited to present his work in CS-MRI at the Compressed sensing and inversion special session organized by Jérôme Idier and Cédric Herzet during the 26th edition of the GRETSI conference.

25th ISMRM Annual Meeting 2017

April 22 - April 27, 2017 - Honolulu, Hi, USA. 

    • The NeuroSpin team presented his joint work with mathematicians from Toulouse (Pierre Weiss & Jonas Kahn, both affiliated with CNRS respectively at ITAV and IMT, University of Toulouse) entitled SPARKLING: Novel Non-Cartesian Sampling Schemes for Accelerated 2D Anatomical Imaging at 7T Using Compressed Sensing.