Jean-Luc Starck: Invited Speaker@AIDA-2020

  • Jean-Luc Starck will give an invited talk on Sparse reconstruction of radio transients and multichannel images at the forthcoming AIDA-2020 (Academia meets Industry) conference  dedicated to Medical Imaging and Image Processing.
  • Ming Jiang & Carole Lazarus will present posters on their PhD work on the application of CS to astrophysics and MRI, respectively.  


Invitation to the Special Session “Compressed sensing and inversion” at the 2017 Gretsi conference

We have been invited to contribute to the special session led by Jérôme Idier (IRCCyN/CNRS) and Cédric  Herzet (INRIA Rennes) on the Compressed Sensing topic. We will highlight the recent results we obtained at 7 Tesla in CS-MRI  based on the novel SPARKLING (Segmented Projection Algorithm for Random K-space samplING say shortly: SPARse K-space samplING) trajectories for ex-vivo T2* imaging.

BASP Frontiers Workshop

We (Jean-Luc Starck & Philippe Ciuciu) recently presented our own contribution in CS at the 4th edition of the BASP Frontiers workshop which held at Villars sur Ollon in January 2017.  You can check out the Proceedings of the conference there.

  • The poster presented by the NeuroSpin team and entitled New Physically Plausible Compressive Sampling Schemes for high resolution MRI is available here.
  • The talks given by Jean-Luc Starck can be downloaded there.