Research Highlights
20-fold accelerated T2* MR imaging using SPARKLING trajectories
We validated our SPARKLING trajectories for high resolution (390 um in plane) T2* imaging at 7 Tesla. Here is some results that illustrate image quality for increasing acceleration factors (10, 15 and 20 from eft to right) as compared to conventional Cartesian acquisition (shown on the left). MR image quality is preserved even for 20-fold (right images) acceleration.
Curvelet-based MR image reconstruction
One of the first achievements in COSMIC was obtained in fall 2017 when we compared different types of wavelet transforms, namely orthogonal decompositions vs redundant ones (i.e. tight frames). We observed a significant gain in terms of image quality (quantitatively assessed using the SSIM metric for instance) when MR image reconstruction was done with curvelets as compared to orthogonal Meyer, B-splines or Mallat wavelet transforms.