Jean-Luc Starck (co-I)
Director of Research and head of the CosmoStat laboratory. He is an expert in sparse signal and image processing for applications in astrophysics (e.g., cosmology). For more details, see his webpage.
Samuel Farrens
Junior research scientist involved in the H2020 Dedale project and hired in Dec 2017 to work on the PySAP software. He is currently working on galaxy image deconvolution using regularisation techniques such as sparsity and low-rank approximation. For more details look at his webpage.
Florent Sureau
Research scientist working on advanced convex optimization techniques to solve inverse problems arising in Planck data analysis using sparsity. For more details look at his webpage.
Fadi Namour (2018-)
Fadi Namour has started his PhD thesis in Fall 2018 under the guidance of Dr Jean-Luc Starck at CosmoStat. His PhD thesis entitled Sparse Semi-Parametric Recovery of Astronomical Radio-Images.
His goal is to develop new signal processing tools to reconstruct image acquired from radio telescopes. The main topics that he is working on are inverse problems, convex optimization and machine learning.
Sophie Starck (2019-2020)
Sophie has done her Master 1 internship under the supervision of Samuel Farrens. She has first contributed to our PySAP software. by devleloping new Python bindings to sparse multi-scale representations. then, she has worked in close collaboration with Zaccharie Ramzi on the usage of conditional Generative Adversarial Network to improve the performance of deep nets for MR image reconstruction.
Ming Jian (2014-17)
Former PhD candidate working on"Multichannel Compressed Sensing and its application on radiocosmology" and supported by the European project "PHySIS", which emphasizes sparse signal processing technologies.. Ming defended his PhD in November 2017 and then moved to a post-doctoral position at EPFL in Switzerland. look at his webpage.