
Philippe Ciuciu (PI)

Team Leader, Expert in neuroimaging data analysis, signal/image processing and compressive sampling for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. To go to my personal webpage, click here.

Alexandre Vignaud

MR Physicist, team leader of the METRIC group. System manager of the 7T Siemens MAGNETOM scanner installed at NeuroSpin.

Antoine Grigis

Research Engineer in charge of neuroimaging big data analytics. Expert in scientific programming (Python).

Zaccharie Ramzi (2019-)

Zaccharie Ramzi has got a CEA PhD scholarship to do a PhD thesis under the joint supervision of Dr Philippe Ciuciu and Jean-Luc Starck. since Feb 2019. Hence, he has a double appointment with NeuroSpin/Parietal and DAp/CosmoStat.

His project aims at developing new deep learning architectures that are capable to scale up to 4D high resolution data for MR image reconstruction.

Guillaume Daval-Frérot (2019-)

Guillaume Daval-Frérot has obtained a CIFRE PhD scholarshipwith Siemens-Healthineers company to perform a PhD thesis under the joint supervision of Dr Philippe Ciuciu and Alexandre Vignaud at NeuroSpin on one hand and Dr Boris Mailhé and Mariappan Nadar from Siemens Healthcare, Princeton, NJ, USA.

His project aims at developing new deep learning architectures robust to off-resonance artifacts and insensitive to motion for 3D in vivo susceptibility weighted imaging performed at 3 Tesla.

Anaïs Artiges (2019-)

Anaïs Artiges has obtained a CEA PhD scholarship to do a PhD thesis at NeuroSpin under the joint supervision of Dr Cyril Poupon and Philippe Ciuciu since Oct 2019 .

Her PhD project is centered around the development of new silent and accelerated diffusion-weighted MRI sequences.

Mathilde Ripart (2019-2020)

Mathilde Ripart has been hired in Nov 2019 for a short-term research engineer contract in order to validate in vivo 3D SPARKLING acquisition protocols for susceptibility weighted imaging at 3 Tesla. She is jointly supervised by Alexandre Vignaud and Philippe Ciuciu in the context of the MANIAC and COSMIC projects.

Her goal is to push this massively accelerated 3D SWI protocol in clinics.


Anna Kazeykina (2019-)

Anna Kazeykina is Assistant Professor in Mathematics at University of Paris-Sud. In Sep 2019, she has joined Inria Parietal for a 1-year delegation in order to develop new theories on anisotropic Compressed Sensing in collaboration with Philippe Ciuciu.

Her contribution will help uncover optimal sampling densities in the context of non-Cartesian sampling schemes.

Chaithya GR (2019-2020)

Chaithya Giliyar Radhakrisha (GR) has been hired in July 2019 for a 1-year  research engineer contract in order to adapt SPARKLING sampling schemes to Fast Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) and develop full 3D inpainting solutions for image recovery from uncomplete data.

Chaithya GR has also strongly participated in the development of PySAP-MRI. He has also released a brand new Python package for GPU-accelerated 2D/3D SPARKLING trajectory design.


Nicolas Chartier (2019)

Nicolas Chartier has been hired in Jan 2019 for a 7-month  research engineer contract in order to propose fast 3D implementation of SPARKLING under-sampling schemes for accelerated MRI. For that purpose, he has developed new gradient-computing solutions based on fast multiple methods.

During his project, Nicolas Chartier has been jointly supervised by Philippe Ciuciu and Pierre Kestener (Maison de la Simulation)

Loubna El Gueddari (2016-19)

During her PhD thesis, Loubna El Gueddari has developed new compressed sensing MR image reconstruction algorithms, especially by promoting structured sparsity for online calibrationless image reconstruction. She has been jointly supervised by Dr Philippe Ciuciu at NeuroSpin and Prof. Jean-Christophe Pesquet (Centrale-Supélec, CVN). For getting access to the slides of her PhD defense, click here.

Carole Lazarus (2015-18)

Carole Lazarus has conducted aPhD thesis under the joint supervision of Dr Philippe Ciuciu and Alexandre Vignaud at NeuroSpin. She has been working on the design of new physically plausible k-space trajectories (SPARKLING) for compressed sensing in MRI, under the joint supervision of Philippe Ciuciu and Alexandre Vignaud. Since her graduation, she has moved to the Hyperfine company in Nov 2018.

Benoît Sarthou (2018)

Gap year intern in 2018 working on GPU-nufft in Python and advanced 3D MR image reconstruction from compressed sensing and multichannel data under the supervision of Philippe Ciuciu.

Hamza Cherkaoui (2017)

Msc intern in 2017 working on advanced 2D MR image reconstruction from compressed sensing and multichannel data under the supervision of Philippe Ciuciu. Currently in PhD thesis on a PET/MRI project under the supervision of Philippe Ciuciu & Claire Leroit.

Hanaé Carrié (2017)

Gap year Bsc intern in 2017 working on 2D dictionary learning for compressed sensing MRI reconstruction sensing under the supervision of Philippe Ciuciu. Her work will be presented at the 15th IEEE ISBI conference in Washington, DC in April 2018.